HIPAA Telehealth email course

Webrtc.ventures offers free email course on the future of video in healthcare and telehealth, examining the inherent security advantages of a telehealth application based on webrtc video technology.

Telehealth is gaining much attention lately due to its many benefits to both providers and patients like: reduced healthcare costs, higher quality patient care, easier follow-up appointments which lead to reduced hospital readmission rates, improved quality of life for patients and access to quality providers for remote patients… just to name a few.

Arin Sime, CEO of WebRTC Ventures  said, “We have been contacted by many companies interested in learning more about how to apply WebRTC video communications in telehealth applications, and so we decided to offer this email course to share the best practices that we’ve learned working with telehealth solutions in the US and Australia.”

This six week,self-guided email course specifically dives into HIPAA-compliant telehealth app technology, and how facilities and providers can onboard this revolutionary technology while staying HIPAA-compliant and scalable for the future.

Each week, course participants will receive an email with a downloadable eBook which dives a little deeper into the WebRTC video world and its role in Telehealth.

Topics covered include:

  • WebRTC background
  • WebRTC and telehealth apps
  • Telehealth security
  • WebRTC architectural decisions
  • WebRTC case studies
  • WebRTC and the future

Sime added, “The goal of this email course is to get decision makers started on what they need to know to make secure apps part of their facility’s future. While there is plenty of information out there on telehealth in general, there is a lack of resources available on telehealth and WebRTC video technology. This technology is crucial for healthcare decision-makers to understand as they explore HIPAA-compliant telehealth apps.”

Sign up for the Email Course: HIPAA WebRTC Video in Telehealth here.

What application are you building? Or what do you want to build?

Our team at WebRTC.ventures can build your custom-designed real-time communications application!

Please click here to learn about some of our medical applications work and the areas we often serve. Then contact us for a quote on your application needs!

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