It is hard to believe that it was under a year ago that the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) announced that WebRTC was an official standard. Still, while it is being used by billions to communicate and was invaluable in keeping us connected during the pandemic, WebRTC is still evolving.

Developers love Twilio Programmable Video because it simplifies WebRTC usage. But differences between browsers and operating systems can still be challenging. For this reason (and many others), when you are building WebRTC applications in production, your best friends are testing and troubleshooting.

Our CTO Alberto Gonzalez shared methods and tools you can use to diagnose issues in any video application, as well as some of the particularly important concepts in order to properly troubleshoot a production-ready application that uses Twilio Video APIs.

Tools include:

  1. Video Log Analyzer
  2. RTC Diagnostics SDK
  3. Preflight API
  4. Network Quality API

Twilio Troubleshooting Checklist:

  1. Test your connectivity and identify other issues using the diagnostic tools listed above.
  2. Collect and store logs for monitoring and future reference.
  3. Ensure you meet the bandwidth requirements.
  4. Allow connection between your application and Twilio’s media and signaling servers.
  5. Check the Twilio Video recommendations and best practices for giving the best experience to your users.

Read the full post on the Twilio blog: “Troubleshooting Your Twilio Video App“.

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