This Wednesday March 30th will be the 3rd edition of the WebRTC Standards Live Session, and our team at WebRTC ventures is proud to be their first corporate sponsor! The main topic will be around screensharing, but these sessions are focused on viewers’ Q&A so you can ask them any question about WebRTC that you like.

From an email announcing the event:

This time we’ll be talking about screen sharing in WebRTC and screen capture. Those who use services that support screen sharing have noticed there is an additional action they need to take in order to allow WebRTC screen capture. This is due to security considerations. In our live session we will delve into this topic.

The presentation part will focus on this topic but we invite you to get ready with your questions, on any topic. After all, the primary purpose of these live sessions is Q&A! We encourage you to submit your questions on the event page beforehand to make sure we answer them during the session.

The WebRTC Standards Live sessions are a free service provided by some of the leaders in the WebRTC space: Dan Burnett, Amir Zmora, and Dr Alex Gouaillard.

We’re proud to be a sponsor of their great work on these live WebRTC Q&A events – Register now for the event and submit a question in advance!

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